(612)715-2734 bob_oganovic@msn.com

Hill Street Blues (1981-1987)

Shows about cops and bad guys have existed forever but I’d say that Hill Street Blues — with its large cast, rapid scene shifts, imperfect characters, gritty plots, people filmed talking and walking — changed the equation and paved the way for countless other “ensemble” shows that followed.

In this clip, the big boss from headquarters scolds the cops in the precinct station for not dotting the “I’s” and crossing the “T’s” to his satisfaction. Haven’t we all “been there” at some point?

In the boss’s mind getting the job done is less important than following procedures. The captain (shown here at this desk and played by Daniel J. Travanti) successfully lightens things up for his troops with a reeeeeeeeeeeally off-hand (literally) joke.