(612)715-2734 bob_oganovic@msn.com

Ed Sullivan Show (1948-1971)

For many of us growing up in the 50’s and 60’s Sundays were structured by attending church in the morning, eating a large dinner in the early afternoon, and watching The Ed Sullivan Show at night.

Ed was a journalist and had no performing skills of his own. Yet because (or in spite) of that every Sunday night he brought into our homes every type of performer you can imaginefrom Julie Andrews to Aretha Franklin, from George Carlin to Edith Piaf, from Henny Youngman to the Rolling Stones, from Itzhak Perlman to Joan Rivers.

In this clip from 1963, a very young Barbra Streisand hits it out of the park with the Harold Arlen song “When the Sun Comes Out“.